Let us examine the oft-rendered excuse for cops acting badly (a poor euphemism for killing, brutalizing, insulting, being aggressive towards.) Every time there's an incident, there's never just one cop there. Two at a minimum, twenty or forty in the current unrest. The mayhem may be instigated by one (ooh...bad apple...) but it's condoned, excused, ignored and abetted by the others. So it's just "bad apples flock together?"...the "vast majority" of the rest of these souls are peaceably controlling demonstrators, taking a symbolic (sham?) knee, marching in a symbolic (sham?) walk?
As Chris Rock so succintly puts it, "Some jobs, everybody gotta be good. Like … pilots. Ya know, American Airlines can’t be like, 'Most of our pilots like to land. We just got a few bad apples that like to crash into mountains. Please bear with us.'"
Let's extend that. Some doctors are bad apples. You may die on the operating table; but that's OK...the vast majority of doctors are...
Some EMTs are bad apples, they may kill you by neglect when called on an emergency; but that's OK...the vast majority of EMTs are ...
Some babysitters are insane, and may throw your baby into the bathwater; but that's OK...the vast majority of babysitters are ...
Some plumbers are bad apples. They may hook up the sewer line to your kitchen faucet; but that's OK...the vast majority of plumbers. are ...
DO YOU SEE HOW FUCKING CRAZY THIS IS? There are some professions and avocations which demand total respect for the genre, total commitment to the job, total requirement to never fucking up.In EVERY other case, the "bad apples" are treated with horror, as criminals.
And policing is one of them.
And, can you imagine your babysitter, who's just killed your child, being "investigated" for months while the DA decides whether or not to bring a case? Can you imagine that, if you shoot a terminally ill person, you could get off on the grounds that your action didn't kill the person, they died of their pre-existing condition (the possible defense in the Floyd case.)
Rock: https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/voices/culture/article/2020/06/01/clip-chris-rock-about-police-brutality-going-viral
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