So should the celebrations start early? Would hailing Obama's II term cause the Mormon-Catholic Gods to frown mightily and load the dice in favor of the Republicans? Do I believe in magical thinking as I knock wood and drink a toast to Mitt?
On the one hand, Mitt-the-Twit's craven pick of Ryan as his mate, his below-the-limbo-champs bow to the ultra-conservatives, his raising of the class war to tactical-nuclear level, cannot be described as 'brave'. Desperate, maybe, game-altering, possibly, wonderfully expedient, certainly, but not indicative of any newfound steel in the spine. On the other, it might get enough of us sluggish Democrats to hand the election to Obama.
But enough of Romney. We are all aware of his flip-flops. his exaggerations (I won't use the L-word,) and his total inability to act, even hypocritically, as if he cares about the average American (or anyone who makes less than his millions.)
Let us examine his VP pick. Incidentally, I won't use here the cliché about heartbeats and distance you are no doubt being inundated with. Let's just say it's scary enough that Ryan may be in shouting distance of the President if they win.
A very rich white man. What a surprise. Birds-of-a-feather and all that, Mitt's most comfortable with his own kind.
A lover of Ayn Rand. To anyone left of Attila the Hun, this should be disqualification enough. Rand's evil philosophy is reportedly Ryan's "reason for entering public service," which speaks volumes. Rand, in case you did not go through a (hopefully and mercifully) short period in your late teens when you thought she was the embodiment of coolth, is the force behind Objectivism, a super-libertarian, super-selfish individualism. This is the person whose work, Whittaker Chambers once reviewed, "I can recall no other book in which a tone of overriding arrogance was so implacably sustained." and "[in which there's the constant refrain of] to the gas chambers, go."
A man voted by his teenage peers as the 'biggest brownnoser.' Unfair to mention? No, surely all's fair in love and politics.
A man with a radical agenda to demolish social structures gained over the last fifty years. If Romney-Ryan are elected, and the Ryan budget is implemented, we'll see:
- Social Security privatized.
- Medicare replaced with a voucher system (we know how well that works for its baby cousin, Medicare part D vouchers.)
- Senior assistance, heating help and childhood hunger programs cut.
- Major federal departments such as Education and Justice decimated.
- Taxes on the rich and super-rich cut drastically, the revenue made up by the middle class paying more (surprise!) by eliminating popular deductions.
- Defense, however, sanctified and untouched.
In case you think I exaggerate, please note that a Tax Policy Center study supports much of this.
And, of course he's virulently anti-gay-marriage and anti-abortion. This from Obama's tweet: "Paul Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest."
Best quotes on the subject so far:
Paul Begala, "And so Romney Hood has his Friar Tuck."
Unknown blog poster: "Two R's make a Wrong"
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